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Thursday, February 17, 2011

An art car is a vehicle that has had its appearance modified

I got an "art car" compliance the another day for an RV proprietor who had near 4 star fish, 4 barbies, one shark, cardinal seek, one Easterly bunny, one larid, two paradisiacal faces, a cat stained fag adjoin, a constellate of torrid man stickers, and two bikes. The suspension of the RV is totally plain. At basic I spurned the submission which I rarely do but I had a difference of heart after I looked up the definition of an Art Car.

My definition of an art car here on Art Car Central is the aforesaid as the above definition BUT, I was superficial for something that was a bit writer "clothed". Like the Art Car Campers below.

Equivocal Decker RV at Burning Man

I view by definition the "TWCRV" AKA The Worlds Cutest RV is an Art Car. OK Sheldon, you prefab it to ACC, but outlook me you give be adding statesman push and then direct me a depict of your progress.

An art car is a vehicle that has had its appearance modified as an act of personal artistic expression. Art cars are often driven and owned by their creators, who are sometimes referred to as "Cartists"

4 Startfish + 4 Barbies = TWCRV aka The Worlds Cutest RV

An art car is a vehicle that has had its appearance modified

Graffiti RV

An art car is a vehicle that has had its appearance modified

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