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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Honda Element Gets Extreme Makeover - Daisy Singer by Philo Northrup

Philo Northrup is responsible for giving his Honda Element named Daisy Singer an extreme makeover and in his own words this is what he had to say:
"Daisy Singer is so named because of two objects attached to it. I started to artify this brand new 2004 Honda Element in Marcola, Oregon, with my mentor, Jack DeVore. He had an old SINGER sewing machine treadle and an old DAISY stove door. The names on these iron relics just seemed to fit for some strange reason. Later I found out that Daisy Singer, sewing machine heiress, left her fortune to whoever found her will in a bottle. She tossed this bottle into London's Thames River in 1937, and it washed ashore in San Francisco in 1949 to be found by a very lucky beachcomber named, of course, Jack.
So Daisy Singer it is!
My ambitions with this ArtCar are formal, not thematic, focusing on design & texture. I am creating something antique and curvilinear out of a new shoebox. I am indulging my love of oxidation - the patina of decay. Daisy is an earthy ArtCar, which fits in nicely with the fiery Truck in Flux, and the aquatic Buick of Unconditional Love. Like the Buick of Unconditional Love and the Truck in Flux, this ArtCar features a living garden on the roof.
Daisy has already traveled extensively from Canada to Arizona and I plan to take it on ArtCar tours to schools & hospitals around North America." via
Daisy Singer by Philo Northrup
Daisy Singer by Philo Northrup

Daisy Singer Door Panel Close Up
Daisy Singer Door Panel Close Up

How Berkeley Can You Get? Art Car Fest Video

This Art Car Fest video was taken on my first event with my Mercedes Pens Art Car and was featured in it as well. They interviewed artists from all over the US & Canada who gathered for the 2005 ArtCar Fest in the San Francisco Bay Area. Some of the other art cars also featured were: Amethyst, Cinnabar Charm, Temple Bus, Siren, Von Tiki, La Sirena, Science Is Golden, Periodic Table Car, Glass Quilt, Daisy Singer, Truck In Flux, Buick of Unconditional Love, Banana Bike, Sopa Box Derby Coffin and many others. Enjoy

Amethyst The Magic Bus by Samonberry

Samonberry is the creator of the Amethyst the Magic Bus who learned his craft at the Old-world school of Gypsy Painters. His art is very true to the original psychedelic art of the 60's and has managed to do a great job of capturing that era. His art includes posters, stickers, fine art, clothing along with this amazing 72 VW bus called Amethyst. I saw Samonberry at my first Art Car Fest in 2005 and was also featured in a video in which he describes how his art car came about.

Amethyst The Magic Bus by Samonberry
Amethyst The Magic Bus by Samonberry

Amethyst The Magic Bus

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

House Proposes Plug-In Hybrid Tax Credits

In its version of the Obama economic stimulus package, the House of Representatives has included a disappearing tax credit for plug-in hybrid cars, similar to the confusing disappearing tax credit for non-plug in gasoline hybrid cars.

The credit consists of $2,500 per passenger car, plus $417 for each kWh of battery capacity over the first 4 kWh. The credit is limited to $7,500 for a vehicle with GVW less than 10,000lbs, but does increase to $10,000 for a vehicle with GVW up to 14,000lbs, and up to $15,000 for vehicles with GVW up to 26,000lbs.

The credit will start to phase out 3 months after 250,000 plug-in hybrids have been sold in the U.S., dropping to 50% for the next 6 months, then 25% for the next 6 months, and then going away completely.

So, for example, the Chevy Volt with its claimed 16 kWh battery would qualify for $2,500 + 12 * $417 = $7,500 (what a coincidence!)


    (a) Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit- Subpart B of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 (relating to other credits) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:


    `(a) Allowance of Credit-
      `(1) IN GENERAL- There shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year an amount equal to the applicable amount with respect to each new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle placed in service by the taxpayer during the taxable year.
      `(2) APPLICABLE AMOUNT- For purposes of paragraph (1), the applicable amount is sum of--
        `(A) $2,500, plus
        `(B) $417 for each kilowatt hour of traction battery capacity in excess of 4 kilowatt hours.
    `(b) Limitations-
      `(1) LIMITATION BASED ON WEIGHT- The amount of the credit allowed under subsection (a) by reason of subsection (a)(2) shall not exceed--
        `(A) $7,500, in the case of any new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of not more than 10,000 pounds,
        `(B) $10,000, in the case of any new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 10,000 pounds but not more than 14,000 pounds,
        `(C) $12,500, in the case of any new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 14,000 pounds but not more than 26,000 pounds, and
        `(D) $15,000, in the case of any new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 26,000 pounds.
        `(A) IN GENERAL- In the case of a new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle sold during the phaseout period, only the applicable percentage of the credit otherwise allowable under subsection (a) shall be allowed.
        `(B) PHASEOUT PERIOD- For purposes of this subsection, the phaseout period is the period beginning with the second calendar quarter following the calendar quarter which includes the first date on which the total number of such new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicles sold for use in the United States after December 31, 2008, is at least 250,000.
        `(C) APPLICABLE PERCENTAGE- For purposes of subparagraph (A), the applicable percentage is--
          `(i) 50 percent for the first 2 calendar quarters of the phaseout period,
          `(ii) 25 percent for the 3d and 4th calendar quarters of the phaseout period, and
          `(iii) 0 percent for each calendar quarter thereafter.
        `(D) CONTROLLED GROUPS- Rules similar to the rules of section 30B(f)(4) shall apply for purposes of this subsection.
    `(c) New Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle- For purposes of this section, the term `new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicle' means a motor vehicle--
      `(1) which draws propulsion using a traction battery with at least 4 kilowatt hours of capacity,
      `(2) which uses an offboard source of energy to recharge such battery,
      `(3) which, in the case of a passenger vehicle or light truck which has a gross vehicle weight rating of not more than 8,500 pounds, has received a certificate of conformity under the Clean Air Act and meets or exceeds the equivalent qualifying California low emission vehicle standard under section 243(e)(2) of the Clean Air Act for that make and model year, and
        `(A) in the case of a vehicle having a gross vehicle weight rating of 6,000 pounds or less, the Bin 5 Tier II emission standard established in regulations prescribed by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under section 202(i) of the Clean Air Act for that make and model year vehicle, and
        `(B) in the case of a vehicle having a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 6,000 pounds but not more than 8,500 pounds, the Bin 8 Tier II emission standard which is so established,
      `(4) the original use of which commences with the taxpayer,
      `(5) which is acquired for use or lease by the taxpayer and not for resale, and
      `(6) which is made by a manufacturer.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Houston Art Car Parade Video - Weird, Wacky, Wild Cars!

You have seen plenty of art car pictures but seeing them in action at the 2009 Houston Art Car Parade is something else. Check out this fun art car video and see some of the famous art cars in real life.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Pimp my Japanese Motorcycle

Here is another one of them crazy pimp my Japanese motorcycle jobs.
Pimp my Japanese Motorcycle

African Truck Covered in People

This is a new one, a truck in Africa is covered in people and goods, and somehow ends up looking very artistic.
African Truck Covered in People

Man gets around with remote control tank

Maybe this guy had his license suspended and all he had left was his remote control tank to get around town.
man pulled behind remote controlled tank

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Skinny VW Bug always finds great parking

With this Skinny VW Bug you never have to worry about parking, because you can always find some space that will work. I am sure you could even park in a motorcycle parking spot if you wanted.
Skinny VW Bug

Cruising in a Convertible Salvage Special

It must be Saturday night by the looks of these guys in their convertible salvage mod. Smoking up a storm,(obviously the cool crowd) they are ready to go cruising. I am so jealous because I am stuck here blogging.
Cruising in a convetible on a saturday night

Bug Eyed Bug Saves Lifes


The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing in Germany has a new plan to prevent drunk driving by using this Bug Eyed Bug to saves lives. There is a whole fleet of these crazy bugs cruising public events to raise public awareness and have been very successful in raising awareness about the campaign. Agency: Scholz & Friends Berlin, Germany.

Pez Motorcycle is a sweet ride

Pez Motorcycle is a sweet ride
I have seen many hot motorbikes but this Pez Motorcycle is simply a sweet ride.

Motorcycle Time Machine with Flame Thrower

Its about time someone invented the Motorcycle Time Machine with a flame thrower.

Motorcycle Time Machine at Night

Motorcycle Time Machine in the day time

Knitted Bus from Mexico

The Knitted bus from Mexico is covered because they get cold at night.
Knitted Bus from Mexico

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Add social bookmarks to every blog post

I have been trying to add social bookmarks to every post for months now and today I have conquered the beast. I found this great tutorial at  blogger plugins that was easy to read an implement. "They" say this is the thing to add to your blog to generate more traffic so here goes.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

5 border crossing tips - with a car with no roof

You find yourself in Afghanistan in the middle of a war zone and you have to get back home. All you have is a car with no roof, and your buddy riding shotgun, what do you do at the border crossing?

1. Act normal
2. Don't say anything
3. Pretend there is nothing at all wrong with your car.
4. Show your papers and pray to God.
5. Stay cool

Car with no roof in Afghanistan
Car with no roof in Afghanistan

Crazy VW Tube Car - What is it?

I found this VW covered in tubes a long time ago and I thought it would be great for wacky wednesdays. If you can tell me what it is I would appreciate it.

VW art car covered in tubes
VW art car covered in tubes

Apple Car - Two interpretations

What we have here with the Apple Car two very different interpretations. One is a literal view of a car filled with actual apples on the way to the market I assume. The other Apple Car, a fanatic of the Apple Computer who decided to cover his Saturn in Apple Stickers. There is no better way to say "I am a super crazy user fan of the apple computer" than by plastering your car with apple stickers.

Apple car filled with apples
Apple car filled with apples

Car covered in apple computer stickers
car covered in apple computer stickers

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kool-Aid Car - Stay cool in a crazy ride

Get ready because this ride is going to be a bit crazy with the Kool-Aid Car. Do not fear because as long as you keep drinking Kool-Aid you will remain calm and cool at all times. So get in, fasten your seat belts, turn up the volume grab your self a cup of your favorite flavor Kool-Aid and enjoy the ride.

Kool-Aid Car Front
Front Car Covered in Kool-Aid Graphics
Kool-Aid Car Rear
Rear of Car Covered in Kool-Aid Graphics
by Chorca

Monday, January 19, 2009

5 Daily Reminders from a Motorcycle Mailbox

When I saw these Motorcycle Mailboxes I thought maybe there was some hidden positive message in them. Life has a way of reminding us valuable lessons and I think if you had one of these Motorcycle Mailboxes you too would be reminded of something positive every day. Here are my 5 daily reminders.

1) Daily reminder that life could be worse.
Rusty Motorcycle Mailbox
by -mrh

2) Daily reminder that you are surrounded by beautiful nature.
Rusty Mailbox Motocycle in the Snow
by Wiking66

3) Daily reminder that bigger is better.
Really Big Motorycle Mailbox

4) Daily reminder that life is short.
Two Skeletons Riding a Motorycle Mailbox
more info

5) Daily reminder that when life hands you half a bike, you make a mailbox
Half a Motorcycle Mailbox

Be sure to check out Ugly Mailbox for more mailbox fun.

Car with a Park Bench Spoiler - Budget Mod

The only thing this guy got right about his Car with a Park Bench Spoiler is the shape. Everything else about this is wrong in every way if you are particular about the performance of your car. With this Park Bench Spoiler you are more likely to get their eventually, in a leasurly fashion doing 0-60 whenever. Or maybe he just wanted to have the ability to pull over any time, enjoy the view and smell the roses. Or watch the sunset, or feed the ducks, or take a nap, the list goes on.
Car with a Park Bench Spoiler

GP Limo - Formula Racing Car for Six

This GP Limo, Formula Racing Car for Six was created by Mike Pettipas from Canada. Now you can have the feeling of racing without having to actually do all the work. Sit back strap in and enjoy the bugs at 250 mph.

via Autoblog

Red Double Decker Car

This Red Double Decker Car is ideal for those wanting to relieve their trip to London last summer. You can drive through town and relive the sound of trees hitting the upper deck every day of your life. You can pick up as many hitchhikers as you want and on your lunch break you can go upstairs and just hang out.
Red double decker car

Pack of dogs own their car

What dogs really want is to own their own car and just hang out. None of this getting locked inside business, they want windows down and and the ability to just sit were they want. Isn't that what we all want?

Dogs hanging out on a abandoned car

Pink Bunny Slipper Motorized Mutant Vehicle

If you go to burning man in the middle of the desert don't forget to bring your pink bunny slippers. This Bunny Slipper mutant vehicle is perfect for the week long sleepover. Pink, Fluffy and Motorized.

Pink Bunny Slipper Motorized Mutant Vehicle

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Pelosi 2012 Sports Car- Made by Congressional Motors

When the government final takes over every aspect of our lives they will also get into the car making business. And of course we know that the government is so efficient in everything that they do and produce, what does the government actually produce now? Anyways, this video is a commercial for Congressional Motors and the new Pelosi Car that will be coming out in 2012. This car will take 100 billion dollars to make and it will take the entire congress to design it. The Peloci Car will have an MSRP of only $629,999.95 (that's inflation dollars) but it will help save the planet in a big way. I am so excited about this and you will be too after you see this fantastic video.

The Peloci Car
The Peloci Car made by the congress

Peloci Car Promo Video

Bubble Truck Art Car - never a dull moment

The Bubble Truck is a modified 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 extended cab pickup truck "sculptured" with a variety of ornaments and other devices installed solely for the creation of making bubbles of all sorts of shapes and sizes. When I was emailed this art car and I had to post it to cheer up those of you in cold weather today. This art truck is also available for private parties, birthday parties, parades, corporate events, and charitable causes. Never a dull moment with this ride.

The Bubble Truck
The Bubble Truck

The Bubble Truck in action, its better on video

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hummer H3 Art Car - Made from Lottery Tickets

Brooklyn-based artists Adam Eckstrom and Lauren Was collected $35,000 in lottery tickets and built a Hummer H3 Art Car. The piece is called “Ghost of a Dream,” because they realized that most people think of buying a car when they dream about winning the lottery - hence the name of the project. They also made it so the value of the art car came out to about what a real Hummer H3 would cost. Just don't park it out in the rain.


I Windows 7 Beta Test

For fun, I downloaded the Windows 7 Beta DVD ISO from Microsoft. I made a second partition on my second HDD, and installed it. It was painless, and didn't take long.

Windows 7 is, so far, running like a champ. It seems about as responsive as Vista, no worse in my unscientific opinion. It recognized all of my hardware, such as my TV tuner card, video card, and monitor, and is talking to my network. It is the "Ultimate" version, which means it comes with Windows Media Center, which is nice.

If you have about 16 gigabytes to spare, give it a whirl it isn't bad.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chillin in My Cadillac Coffin Art Car

Yep this guy is definitely "chilling" in his Cadillac Coffin Art Car. It must be a Cadillac because it has the Cadi logo and the Cadi grill up front. It also comes with nice rims, sound system and leather reclining seats. It must a convertible as well.
Dead man in his cadillac coffin car

PriusTorik Art Car by Ken Duffy

PriusTorik Art car was created by Ken Duffy the official photographer of all the art car fest here in the San Franscisco Bay Area. Since it's Kens birthday and is as old and ancient as his car today, I decided to wish him a Happy Birthday on ACC.

PriusTorik Art Car in its natural habitat.

Sinking H1 Hummer in a tar pit, very telling

PriusTorik Art Car rear view, nice decals

PriusTorik Art Car Mirror

photo by Frank Synopsis

Spotted Art Car parked in front of Spotted Art House

Here is the Spotted Art Car in front of the Spotted Art House. By the way these were done by two different people in England, what an amazing coincidence.

by imothepixie

Hideous Fat Art Cars - Safest Car on Earth

Pink Fat Art Car - Pepto Bismol

Austrian artist Erwin Wurm is the creator of these Fat Art Cars, as part of a "Fat Car" series. Definitely one way of looking at gas guzzlers and I guarantee you, we would drive a lot less if our cars actually looked as hideous as these. On the other hand very safe and good for beginner drivers.

Silver Fat Art Car

Red Fat Art Car

Car Runs on Garbage - Magical Gasifier Budget Mod

Finally a car mod I can get excited about, turning garbage into fuel for my car. Do you remember the Movie "Back to the Future" well this guy pretty much did and his entire 24 step process is outlined on instructables. This "magical" device is called a gasifier and what it does is called gasification. Dude you rock!!!!!!

Cool Video

Fake ID Car Advertising for Dummies

What we have here is a guy who started a little mobile fake ID business and got busted when his advertising actually worked. I will give this guy an A+ for effective marketing strategy, but a big whopping F- for dumb ad placement. What the ad on the back should have said is" Hi I am a moron and I want to see how fast I can get busted for making illegal fake IDs out of my car" or "I forgot to read the last chapter in Fake ID Advertising for dummies that talked about NOT placing banners ads on the back of your car". I also like the "Ask me about Jesus" bumper sticker both in English and Spanish, dude, I don't think I ever saw a chapter in the Bible about fake IDs.

full story via

Monday, January 12, 2009

Duct Tape Lady on her Duct Art Car

This is the classiest duct tape art car I have seen complete with the model wearing a duct tape mini skirt and some duct tape trim on her tank top. This photo says "I accessorize with duct tape and I love it"
Duct Tape Lady on her Duct Art Car
by Delta Niner

Couch Potato Mutant Vehicles - Pros at rest

I am not surprised that a bunch of guys would be riding this couch potato mutant vehicle at burning man. I think they are rebelling against having to do chores back home and decided to take the "couch potato" thing to the next level. And just in case you didn't know what they were doing, decided to spray paint it in plain English. These guys are pros, pass the beer and chips.


Quilted Art Car from Down Under

This Quilted Art Car was created by a group 30 crafty women from Queensland's quilting community, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of a quilt exhibition. This is the kind of car you can get cozy with on cold winter nights. The paint job will last forever and you don't have to worry about finding your car in the mall.
Quilted Art Car from Down Under

Dino Ride Art Car aka Psychedelic Relic

I got this Dino Ride Art Car sent in by Carl Lasagna today and here is what he had to say about it:

Beautiful friendships and a whimsical, hemp inspired imagination inspired the transformation of a salvaged 61 Ford Galaxie into the DinoRide (aka the Psychedelic Relic) in 1993...Created by Carl Lasagna, this "Senseless Act of Beauty" radiates such good Car Kharma it turns frowns upside down wherever it goes. After 100,000 miles of touring California and Oregon, the response has proven that Peace, Love, Justice, and Environmental issues (Especially when mixed with a little psychedelia) NEVER go out of style. WAR IS UNHEALTHY TO BABIES, PUPPY DOGS AND OTHER LIVING painted on the trunk

I have owned the car for 21 years now...and it still runs and graces the Bay Bridge quite regularly :)